A downloadable ROM


Fight randomly generated enemies in procedurally generated dungeons. I run out of time, so there is no random items, but hopefully after the jam is over I'll update the game :P
Walls look weird sometimes, its ok.


1. Walk with dpad.
2. Walk into crabs to start fight.
3. Select item with up/down.
4. Press A to choose, where to use item.
5. Press A again to apply item in the chosen slot. Or Press B to choose another item.
6. Reduce enemy hearts (top bar) to 0 to win the fight.
7. Go down the stairs 8 times to win.
8. Loose all hearts (bottom bar) to loose.
9. Press Start in overworld to manage items.

If enemy has no attack in the column - your shield will decay by one.
Same for the enemy.

Shield removes attack. Enemy applies items first, player responds. During combat phase player always attacks first. Combat phase goes from left column to the right.

Credits & Special Thanks

- Kenney for micro-dungeon assets https://www.kenney.nl/assets/micro-roguelike
- Pix3M for Romulus font https://opengameart.org/content/pixel-fonts-by-pix3m


main.gb 32 kB

Install instructions

Run it in your favorite GameBoy emulator or flash to cartridge.

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